Fine Arts Association of Arizona
A 501 (c) (3) Certified Non Profit Organization. Estd. 1983
Celebrating 40 years of Indian Fine Arts in Arizona
Fine Arts Association of Arizona (FAAA) principally relies on the generosity of supporters like you to fulfill our mission of providing a forum to raise awareness of Indian Classical Arts. As one of FAAA’s most dedicated supporters, we are certain that you would like to see FAAA fiscally sustain itself for the long term. While we are indeed very grateful for your ongoing commitment, we further ask that you seriously consider becoming a “Pillar-of-Support” as outlined below.
The Pillar-of-Support campaign is an initiative that will help us build a stronger foundation for the future. As a Pillar-of-Support, you will belong to an august community that:
* is crucial to the long-term sustainability of FAAA through sustained funding.
* believes in renewed opportunities for learning and enjoying Indian Classical Arts.
4. Brundavani Garikapati & Raghu Garikapati
5. Charulatha & Juma Bhavani Prasad
6. Chitra Kalyan & Kalyan Subramanian
7. Chitra Vaidyanathan & Vaidyanathan Krishnamoorthy
8. Chitra Vinod & Dr.Vinod Narayanan
9. Dr. Srivani Srikantiah & Vikram Srikantiah
10. Dr. Sudha Chandrasekar & Ashok Chandrasekar
11. Gayathree Venkat & Venkat Ramamoorthy
12. Gayathri Mahesh & Mahesh Subramanian
13. Ghayatri Ganesan & Kumar Ganesan
14. Hema Moorthy & Ganesh Moorthy
15. Jayadev Kutty
16. Jayanthi Vijayaraghavan & Dr. Vijayaraghavan
17. Jayashree Govind & Govind Iyer
18. Kavitha Sankarram & VK Sankar
19. Meeraa & Murali Jagannathan
20. Mouli Subramanian & Family
21. Nrityalaya Aesthetics Society - Shyla & Sadha Parasuraman
22. Rajitha Bharatan & Niranjan Balasubramanian
23. Sathyadevi Sista & Dr. Ramachandra Sista
24. Sharadha Rao & Ananth Rao
25. Sheila Sudhakar & Subrahmanyam Sudhakar
26. Silambam Phoenix, Srimathy Mohan & Dr. Mohan Gopalakrishnan
27. Sindhu Tadiparthi & Chandra Ambadipudi
28. Smitha Pavamana & Pavamana Honavanahalli
29. Sowmya Srinivasan & Srinivasan Vaidyanathan
30. Sri Devi Bulusu & Sricharan Poundarikapuram
31. Sumana Sen Mandala & Naini Mandala - Dansense Nrithyabodha
32. Uma Jagannath & Family
33. Uma Ram & Ram Janakiram
34. Usha Sundar & Ramaswamy M Sundar
35. Vadiraj Guttal & Family
36. Veena & Mahesh Balan
37. Veena Sundar & Sundar Venkataraman
38. Vijayalakshmi & Babu Gopi
39. Dr. Narasingha Rao & Family
40. Sricharan Marupudi & Family
41. Mrs. S. Kamala and Mr. H.Subbiah
How Can I Become a Pillar-of-Support?
You can become a Pillar-of-Support by committing yourself to a substantial annual contribution, beyond the nominal membership that will help FAAA overcome transient economic challenges and invest in new programs and initiatives on an ongoing basis. More details on the levels of support are mentioned below.
What are the Benefits?
As a Pillar-of-Support, you will receive exclusive benefits such as special recognition on our website, newsletters (unless you choose to remain anonymous), invitations to special events, and be privy to communiques on the impact of your contribution. Additionally, Pillar-of-Support entitles you to be automatically enrolled as a Family Member of FAAA for that year.
Thank you for considering this important opportunity to support our organization. We are in this together!
Click Donate to become a Pillar-Of-Support -
Financial Overview
We, at the Fine Arts Association of Arizona, believe that donors can make informed decisions about their giving when they are aware of the fiscal terrain of the organization. The recent rising costs of air travel, venue rentals and talent fees have increased the overall cost of every event we host. Therefore, in addition to the revenue earned through membership dues and corporate grants, you shall see a requirement to raise additional revenue to meet desired income levels.

Create a Lasting Impact
As trusted Stewards, we safeguard donor intent, ensuring the resources are channeled into pathways that align with your personal beliefs and the organizational mission. We also care for the fact that Donors want to feel that their contribution is making a difference. As a Pillar-of-Support, your contribution can make a lasting impact by creating continuous,
o Listening Opportunities in the form of quality music concerts and dance recitals by acclaimed artists.
o Learning Avenues in the form of Workshops and Lecture Demonstrations
- Carnatic Epic Choir(s) over the past years and SHIKSHA – Broadening Horizons are some key initiatives that help students & teachers across all ages learn from experts.
o Performing Platforms for talents from our local community.
- Composers Day, Yuva Kala Spotlight & AZ Talent Spotlight are initiatives aimed at encouraging talents within our community for their commitment and dedication towards learning performing arts.
How can you become a Pillar-of-Support?
You can become a Pillar-of-Support by committing to an ANNUAL CONTRIBUTION towards one or more of the following opportunities.
• Performance Sponsorship
o Exclusive Sponsorship of a concert $5000 & above
o Generic Sponsorship $2500 & above
• Education & Outreach Sponsorship
o Classes, Workshops, Lec Dems $2500 & above
• Venue Sponsorship
o Venue rental, audio & insurance $1500 & above
• Generic Annual Fund Sponsorship
o General support to programs $500 & above
Additionally, Pillar-of-Support at any level above entitles you to be automatically enrolled as a Family Member of FAAA for that calendar year. Should you need more details, Please visit to make a difference TODAY!
Click Donate to become a Pillar-Of-Support -